Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's In God's Eye's? Originally Simplistic, They Have Evolved Into Intricate Art

"Ojo de Dios," or "God's eye" in its original form, the simple weaving of more than two rods and is considered to have originated with the Huichol Indians of Jalisco, Meksiko.Huichol called God's eyes "sikula" which means "to be able to see and understand things unknown ".

hung in child's hair or on the walls of the house, or attached to the end of the arrow, Siku main purpose is to ensure children a long and healthy life. When a child is born, the central spun around by his father. Then one eye is added for each year of age until the child reaches the age of five years. The result of design in the form of a cross symbolizes the four elements earth, air, fire and water.

Ojo de Dios is known simbol.Indijanci believe that the design of the eye has the power to heal and zaštititi.Ojo de Dios is hung on the wall and use in worship and prayer. They can also be used as a good luck symbol.

Although the background appears to be the Huichol, Native American Indians in the southwest United States (Pimas, pueblos, and Navajos) seems to have inherited the tradition of symbolic weavings. After a simple diamonds woven in two rod passes, over the years, they became four sticks with eight pages. Then, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the art form began to evolve into more complicated and intricate pieces of art.

an intricate 24 "diameter, 12-sided Ojo de Dios," Full Circle "is woven Jay Mohler, one of the more experienced artist who has helped to continue and develop the art.

He comments on his web site devoted to the work Ojo de Dios, "This Ojo (full circle) is meant to represent the idea that we are all connected in life, and light and beauty of the common anywhere in the circle of life increases the love and light for all. "Jay Mohler is an example of what a typical day, about God's eye crafts. Each of them weave their meanings, colors, interpretation and philosophy in his art

As more colors and types of materials have led in the art, many of God's eyes, including some built to withstand the outdoor elements (using treated rods and waterproof nylon or plastic yarn), is unlimited. They can be hung in the garden or used to decorate the outdoor patio. These artifacts can be placed on a wall to add ambiance to the room dekor.Div double woven (reversible) Ojo, or the number of large Ojos alternating side-by-side can make a unique home interior design ideas as well as room dividers. Mounted in a bathroom window, one Ojo can serve as a colorful shadow, allowing sunlight to filter through the fabric and throw patterns on the opposite wall.

the possibilities are endless! How craftsman or art lover can imagine

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